Thursday, 26 March 2015

FREE Asia’s Got Talent (AGT) Tickets Competition - CALTEX & BCARD

Today, I have receive an E - mail from BCARD. I just think that it is another useless subscription mail only. So SURPRISE to see the poster above since I am a big fan of VANNESS(吴建豪 )after watching a Taiwan drama called Autumn's Concerto (下一站,幸福)in 2009. In this drama, VANNESS plays a character of a man with amnesia struggles to remember a past romance. Ya, I loves romance as well.

Therefore, it is a good chance for me to meet VANNESS at Singapore by winning the FREE Asia’s Got Talent (AGT) TICKETS. It is just a simple way to win by pumping a minimum of RM30 at CALTEX stations with my Caltex JOURNEY card or BCARD. This event is suitable for me since I need to FEED my car some PETROL everyday and I have a BCARD as well. Furthermore, the main prize is an awesome trip for 2 person to SINGAPORE. If I win the main prize, I can have a FREE short romantic HONEYMOON with my hubby. Oh Yeah!!! Anyway, this promotion ends at 26 APRIL 2015.

For more details, just click the link below.

P/S :

Prizes Criteria

1. Main Prize Prize package consisting of a trip for 2 person to Singapore which includes :

 Two AGT tickets to watch the AGT Results Finale

 Two return airfares to Singapore from Kuala Lumpur by Jetstar

 Hotel accommodation for two person for 2 nights

 SGD200 spending money

2. 10 Consolation StarCash card worth RM200


Wednesday, 25 March 2015

FREE Extra Points - WATSON

First Touch N' Go card I bought was PlusMiles. Before owning a car, I usually travel with LRT / MONORAIL / KTM railway around KL area to go for work as well as shopping. However, I was not so enjoy the bus service provided by Rapid KL. Because of this reason, at that time, I usually reload it at railway stations only when the balance was not enough. It was very convenience for me to own this card since I did no need to stuck in a long queue during peak period. Moreover, the reload procedure of this card at railway stations was quite simple, fast and easy. Most important, it was a suitable way for people who had a bad memory like me.

After buying a new car in order to fetch my kids, I seldom use Touch N' Go anymore. I just use it when I need it such as passing through a highway in KL and travelling back to hometown with my family during public holidays. At that time, I usually reload it on the way at PLUS highway such as PLUS offices and petrol stations.

But this habit changes again after the launching of WATSON VIP CARD with Touch N' Go service. Since before this I am a WATSON member already, it is worth for me to upgrade the WATSON member card by just pay for another RM6 even I already have a PlusMiles Touch N' Go card. If not, nothing to use with the old WATSON member card. Nowadays, I like this 2 in 1 WATSON VIP CARD so well because it is easily for me to collect WATSON member points. At the same time, reload of Touch N' Go card becomes easier for me since WATSON outlets can be found in most of the shopping malls I usually visit during weekends. Moreover, I can earn extra member points for reload of this 2 in 1 card at WATSON and payment of WATSON bills by using the card with the service E-PAY.

Here is the tips that make me change my mind toward the WATSON MEMBER CARD. Before this, I was a little bit regret of my registration of this member card since the member points were so difficult to collect. Moreover, 200 points was equal to RM1.00 only which meant that I needed to spend at least RM200.00 at WATSON in order to get RM1.00 discount.

After having the WATSON VIP CARD, I accidentally found out that the points can be earned in another way which is FREE, easier and faster. The best way to earn the points is by RELOAD the TOUCH N' GO card at WATSON outlets only no matter what you are going to do with this card, for example, BALIK KAMPUNG by using this card. Besides that, before making payment for the bills of WATSON, try to reload your TOUCH N' GO card first, and then pay that BILLS with TOUCH N' GO card with the E - PAY service. Trust me, the points will become duplicated 5 times if you follow the way I mentioned.

P/S :

Below are the examples.

Case 1:

Simply buy things at WATSON and pay RM73 bill by cash or credit card = 73 points ONLY

(Exception for those who are using the credit card which has high value of cash back)

*Total points earn = 73 points = RM0.37 discount for next purchase

Case 2:

Reload RM73 for Touch N' Go WATSON VIP CARD = 73 points
Buy things at WATSON and pay RM73 bill by Touch N' Go card = 73 points + EXTRA 292 POINTS

*Total points earn = 438 points = RM2.19 discount for next purchase

So, do you all get what is the difference now?

Tuesday, 24 March 2015


For year 2015, I think that the best lie will going to be "GST IS JUST A JOKE FOR APRIL FOOL". ORZ. I am just dreaming.

Back to the topic. As a STAY - AT - HOME parent, I really worry about the quality of life of my family during POST - GST era. Luckily, I think I am still able to handle the household expense well in order to reduce the financial burden of my hubby. Because of my growing background, my consumption concept of NOT OVERSPEND within budget is totally learnt from my dearest parents. 

I thought my hubby will feel very touch and warm when listening to what I am saying. However, my hubby thinks that I am just turning "SAVING MONEY" into a hobby, just like what the post below mention about.

8 Easy Lifehacks To Save More Money That Actually Work

This post is actually written after watching a few useful videos regarding GST at POCKETIMES. I think the videos are quite worth to watch.Therefore, I decide to share them before sleep. Anyway, it is just available for someone who understand Mandarin only. Sorry for that.


Nowadays, young generation likes to celebrate the VALENTINE'S DAY which is fall on 14th of February. For them, VALENTINE'S DAY is on the top list of most meaningful event of every year. Recently I just realise that there is total 12 VALENTINE'S DAY every year. So surprise to hear about that. 

However, I am pretty sure that I am considered as old generation already since I do not have any feeling towards all these special days. For me, there is a FREE yet MEANINGFUL EVENT on MARCH. Guess what is this? Haha. The clue is this event is going to hold on this coming SATURDAY, 28 MARCH 2015, 8.30PM to 9.30PM. The answer is .......................

Ya. The meaningful event is EARTH HOUR 2015. Earth Hour was started in 2007 as a LIGHTS - OFF EVENT to raise awareness about climate change. As a supporter of this event starting from 2 years ago, I pledge to switch off all the non essential lights of my SWEETHOME as usual during the event period this Saturday. It is a good chance for me to have a candle lit dinner with my hubby and my little kids as a celebration of VALENTINE'S DAY and FAMILY DAY. Haha. Doesn't it a briliant idea? What a romantic wife and mum I am. I will post the sweet and memory photos of romantic dinner next time. 

For one hour, focus on your commitment to our planet for the rest of this year.

Earth Hour 2015.
Use your power.
Be a change maker.
Let us support it together.



Hi, it is me again. I am not a IT expert. I just trying to share my experience of using a awesome freeware program. Actually it is a FREE PDF SOFTWARE called "PDFILL FREE PDF TOOLS".

First of all, PDFILL FREE PDF TOOLS is a software that exceeds my expectation. Before this, I was like most of the people, Adobe Reader would pop - up in my mind when hearing about PDF. However, I found out that by using it, the PDF files just can be open, read and print only. Nothing else I can do with the PDF files.

Because of this, I was trying hard to find a FREE PDF EDITOR PROGRAM. Unlucky to say that it is really a sooooooooo difficult mission to find a FREE PDF EDITOR. Most of them are just trial versions or free versions but with watermarks. After one or two months, mostly the PDF software cannot be used anymore unless I purchase the upgrade versions. When facing such problems, I had to repeat the action of uninstall and re - install of the PDF software. Sometimes, I am being force to use some free online PDF software as well.

Now, I do not need to do so anymore. PDFILL FREE PDF TOOLS is a nice and awesome PDF SOFTWARE for Windows. Most important, it is TOTALLY FREE and NO WATERMARK. After installing this freeware program, I do not need to rely on the PDF editor's trial version and online PDF software. Now, I am fully utilised the PDFILL FREE PDF TOOLS to help my hubby to edits PDF files, converts PDF files to images, creates PDF files with forms field, and many more.

If you want to find a FREE PDF SOFTWARE, PDFILL FREE PDF TOOLS may be your best choice.

Below is the download link.

P/S :

Here are some advantages of PDFILL FREE PDF TOOLS.

- No Ads

- No spam

- No limitations of file sizes

- No watermark or logos added to PDF files

- Easy-to-use tools for manipulating PDF files


Sunday, 22 March 2015

FREE Gifts & Vouchers - WOOP MY

Come and join "WOOP MY" with me in order to redeem free gifts and vouchers. WOOP actually stands for "WOmen of OPinion". That is, women who have an opinion and like to share it with brands, companies, friends and colleagues. However, everyone can sign up for free no matter you are a guy or a lady.

For me, it is a very simple way to collect points by just doing daily missions and big missions. Please don't confuse with the word MISSION. The concept of MISSION is just some fun activities such as sharing your idea or your selfie with selected products in social media.

As a newbie of social media, first thing I want to share is my experience of joining WOOP. This is the first community that I approach to and it is really a surprise for me. I have started to join WOOP on 26 February 2014. After one month, I already manage to earn 2457 points. For my case, I decide to redeem two HOTLINK RM10 TOP UP CARD and two BLACKMORES COLLAGEN TRIAL PACK. Hooray, I still have 845 points left and cannot wait to redeem other free gifts as well. However, I need to wait for next week since redemption can only make once a week.

Next time, I will upload the photo of all gifts and vouchers from WOOP when they are arrived at my doorstep. Don't worry, everything is FREE. It is FREE for signing up and the rewards are free delivery to your doorstep as well.

So, what are you waiting for? Let's join WOOP now.

P/S :

Below are some common FAQs.

Q: How much do I pay to join WOOP?

A: NIL. NADA. ZERO. NOTHING. TIADA. All good things in life should be free to enjoy and so is WOOP. Yes, you get to try products for free, and on top you get rewards. You heard it right! We are a bit crazy .

Q: What are Missions?

A: Missions are simple and fun activities. There are 2 types of missions; “Daily Missions” and “Big Missions”.

“Daily Missions” are very easy and take less than 2-3 minutes to do. Typically they are simple surveys seeking your opinions. Points are rewarded immediately after your response.

“Big Missions” require you to do a little bit more but you get more points also. Big missions would be activities like writing a review, nominating a friend for a sample or sending us a video with your opinion on the product we gave you. Big missions points are rewarded after the WOOP team has seen and assessed your response.
