Sunday, 22 March 2015

FREE Gifts & Vouchers - WOOP MY

Come and join "WOOP MY" with me in order to redeem free gifts and vouchers. WOOP actually stands for "WOmen of OPinion". That is, women who have an opinion and like to share it with brands, companies, friends and colleagues. However, everyone can sign up for free no matter you are a guy or a lady.

For me, it is a very simple way to collect points by just doing daily missions and big missions. Please don't confuse with the word MISSION. The concept of MISSION is just some fun activities such as sharing your idea or your selfie with selected products in social media.

As a newbie of social media, first thing I want to share is my experience of joining WOOP. This is the first community that I approach to and it is really a surprise for me. I have started to join WOOP on 26 February 2014. After one month, I already manage to earn 2457 points. For my case, I decide to redeem two HOTLINK RM10 TOP UP CARD and two BLACKMORES COLLAGEN TRIAL PACK. Hooray, I still have 845 points left and cannot wait to redeem other free gifts as well. However, I need to wait for next week since redemption can only make once a week.

Next time, I will upload the photo of all gifts and vouchers from WOOP when they are arrived at my doorstep. Don't worry, everything is FREE. It is FREE for signing up and the rewards are free delivery to your doorstep as well.

So, what are you waiting for? Let's join WOOP now.

P/S :

Below are some common FAQs.

Q: How much do I pay to join WOOP?

A: NIL. NADA. ZERO. NOTHING. TIADA. All good things in life should be free to enjoy and so is WOOP. Yes, you get to try products for free, and on top you get rewards. You heard it right! We are a bit crazy .

Q: What are Missions?

A: Missions are simple and fun activities. There are 2 types of missions; “Daily Missions” and “Big Missions”.

“Daily Missions” are very easy and take less than 2-3 minutes to do. Typically they are simple surveys seeking your opinions. Points are rewarded immediately after your response.

“Big Missions” require you to do a little bit more but you get more points also. Big missions would be activities like writing a review, nominating a friend for a sample or sending us a video with your opinion on the product we gave you. Big missions points are rewarded after the WOOP team has seen and assessed your response.



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